Our objective is to sustainably grow healthy, great-tasting shellfish. 


What we do

We harvest the vast majority of our clams and oysters from Dabob Bay, where some of Washington's most pristine waters provide the ideal environment to sustainably grow healthy, great-tasting shellfish. We are interested in working with local restaurants, markets, and wholesalers that share our values of sustainability and appreciation of Pacific Northwest culture.


Our primary focus is on conservation and stewardship.


How we work

Harvest methods

All of our shellfish is planted and harvested by hand in order to minimize our impact to the natural beauty and health of the ecosystem.

beach cleanup

We keep a constant eye on our shorelines and regularly remove any debris that may wash-up.

Water cleanup

Oysters and clams are powerful filter feeders that help remove excess nitrogen from our waters by incorporating it into their shells and tissue as they grow. Adult oysters can filter up to 50 gallons of sea water a day. More bivalves means healthier waterways for everyone.


WANt to purchase clams or oysters?

